(555) 555-555

Media Production & Buying Services | Video Production 

Video Production Services

With a combined 15  years of video production experience, WDB Videographers capture compelling content unique to your brand’s story, offerings, and highlight your expertise in the food industry!  As your full-service Integrated Marketing Team of Professionals, we work closely with media distribution outlets to expand your commercial’s reach and drive local business to your restaurant. WDB offers a variety of video styles, making it easy for you to market at an affordable price!

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F E A T U R E S  &  B E N E F I T S

Simple & Powerful

Site selection assistants/recommendations

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is key to building your brand’s digital footprint, helping new customers find you.  #TeamWDB uses the latest SEO integrations when building your website, giving your brand an  extra boost of visibility!

Coordinate taping w/schedules

Don’t know which hosting service is best for your new website?  Our Website experts will help you choose the best hosting plan for your website goals.

Content Writing

We offer content writing services to accentuate your brand’s voice, highlight your products and services!  We provide product descriptions, professional bios, company mission statements and more!

Attire recommendations 

Our custom-built websites are integrated with your social media accounts, creating a seamless experience to managing your social media planning and content.

Creative direction

(CMS) is custom built into your custom website, allowing you to easily access and manage your digital content.

Create storyboard

WDB marketing ensures your website is Mobile Optimized, giving your visitors a seamless online experience.

Our Video Production Options


WDB Marketing has extensive experience in creating television-standardized commercials, boosting your company’s credibility and visibility to potential customers!  Highlight your products and services in a strategically planned commercial, guaranteed to increase your brand’s reach and amplify your voice.  WDB Marketing offers additional complimentary services to video production, including storyboarding, script writing and management, voiceovers, digital animation, motion graphics, greenscreen effects, and on-location production.  Don’t let your competitors over shadow you!  Level up today and get started!

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Brand Videos

Express your company’s mission, direction and goals with this simple video format for a big impact on your audience.  Announce upcoming projects, special events, or give general information about your organization.  Speak to your audience eloquently with a custom informational video. This Video Type is great for introducing a new brand, project, or milestone!

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Promotional Videos/Sizzle Reels

Inform your audience about ways to support your cause, company, or mission with this straight-forward Brand video! Keep your audience engaged and updated on company news, announcements and highlights!

In a digital world, every brand needs a way to stand apart from the rest.   Tell your story, give insight to your brand, express your impact, and stand out with Sizzle Reels and Promo Videos that grab your audience’s attention and will have them wanting more!

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Product Videos

WDB also offers additional complimentary services to video production, including storyboarding, script writing and management, voiceovers, digital animation, motion graphics, green screen effects, and on-location production.  Don’t let your competitors over shadow you!  Level up today and get started

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How It Works


We sit down together to discuss your brand culture, image and voice. We'll

explore the most effective video treatment to align your ideas with your brand goals.


Now your ideas begin to take shape. We finalize the look, vibe and feel of your content. Well get organized by nailing down storyboards, talent, locations, brand guidelines, shoot dates and other logistics.


It's time for some action! Let's get the cameras rolling. We capture all vide content and sound elements that are essential to making your brand, product or service stand out.


Our editorial team sorts through all footage to cherry pick the most impactful content. We master the final video and sound, color grade and add graphics and titles.


Electronic delivery of all final assets and content deliverables completes the process,

Book Your Consultation Today!

Let us help you bring YOUR Vision to life!

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