Website Development Portfolio
After we help you discover what you want, we'll work together to find the very best way of achieving it.
Walk into either Sip and Savor and you’re likely to see a familiar face. It’s common for media personalities, entrepreneurs and elected officials to be sipping coffee along with retirees, college students and other hard working Chicagoans in for a break and a good cup of coffee and great community-focused conversations.
Known for its exceptional quality and flavor, Sip & Savor coffees are certified fair trade, and in some cases, certified organic and shade grown. This means that the products you buy maintain biodiversity, provide shelter for migratory birds and help reduce global warming.
The Sip & Savor Executive Team hired #TeamWDB to update their existing website. The 15+ year old coffee brand pivoted their profit strategy and requested an updated website that engages users and customers with new services, products, and events.
We created a streamlined website that showcases Sip & Savor Chicago’s newest line of adult libation products, ongoing hosted events, upgraded online event rental capabilities, and online purchases.